Today I'll just be posting measurements and a summary of my lifting progress. I'll have more pictures in 3 weeks.
I'll start by listing my measurements from 3 weeks ago, which I forgot to do last time, and what they were this morning:
Shoulders: 46.5" | 47"
Chest: 40.25" | 40.75"
Waist: 31.5" | 31.25"
Hips: 38.25" | 37.75"
Thighs: 22" | 22.5"
Calves: 14" | 14"
Arms (R/L): 14.25"/14" | 14.625"/14.25"
Forearms (R/L): 11.75" | 11.75"/11.625"
Weight's up to 75.3 kg from 74.5, A little short of my goal. Body fat % went from 9.44 to 9.75, some of that may be measurement error, using the calipers is a new thing for me. my girth measurements would suggest that BF% went down.
Lifting has been going well for the most part. Last week I hit a 20 pound PR on the bench (235 lbs from 215). I got my full squats back up to my PRs from the winter (275 lbs back and 245 front). I maxed out on the trap-bar deadlift for the first time and hit 425 (attempted 445, it didn't budge, then I missed 435 as well). O-lifts had not so great results. Snatch was okay. Hit 150 lbs (155 lbs PR). Clean was bad, hit 195 (215 PR). My pull felt strong, I just couldn't hold it in the catch. Power Jerk I maxed for the first time last Saturday. Hit 185, missed 195 and 190. My form's getting better with the snatch, I'm getting under it much better than before. The power jerk was better in my last session as well. I usually have problems locking out my right arm (flexibility/mobility issues) but I added some dynamic stretches in between and was a lot better.